The development of breasts is part of the natural process of becoming a woman and breast size and shape can be a key part of their sense of self. An operation to positioning an implant under the breast tissue can significantly alter breast size and shape and for some, this can bring a welcomed enhancement to their sense of femininity. In addition pregnancy and breastfeeding can reduce a woman’s natural breast shape and volume and so some consider implants after they have completed their families.
There are a number of different options available such as the size, shape and position of implants. Our aim is to achieve a natural-looking result, though that definition varies very much between people.
A key part of the consultation is to discuss the implications of having implants for the future including further surgery and the reasons why that would be needed.
A key outcome of our consultation is that I understand your expectations and you understand the risks.
Our consultation will establish the aims of your surgery: what it can and what it can’t achieve.
We will then discuss what will happen before, during and after your operation, what you will experience and the impact on your daily life during the recovery period.
I will describe the effects of surgery including some of the unavoidable consequences, such as the scar and areas which may become numb. I will illustrate these with photos and provide written information.
I will explain the risks of surgery such as bleeding, infection and wound healing problems and how to mitigate against them. I will also advise you about the risks from the anaesthetic such as a DVT (venous blood clot in the legs) and how we reduce these risks.
The consultation is a bespoke interaction between us to help you reach a considered and informed decision.